Source code for veryscrape.scrape

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
import asyncio
import logging
import time

from .items import ItemGenerator
from .session import Session

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Scraper(ABC): source = '' scrape_every = 5 * 60 item_gen = ItemGenerator session_class = Session def __init__(self, *args, proxy_pool=None, **kwargs): self.client = self.session_class( *args, proxy_pool=proxy_pool, **kwargs ) self.queues = defaultdict(asyncio.Queue) self._stream = None
[docs] @abstractmethod async def scrape(self, query, topic='', **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover
[docs] async def scrape_continuously(self, query, topic='', **kwargs): while True:'Scraping %s: TOPIC=%s, QUERY=%s', self.source, topic, query) start = time.time() # todo implement better retry/restart logic with FetchError await self.scrape(query, topic=topic, **kwargs) await asyncio.sleep( max(0., self.scrape_every - (time.time() - start)) )
[docs] def stream(self, query, topic='', **kwargs): self._stream = asyncio.ensure_future( self.scrape_continuously(query, topic=topic, **kwargs) ) return self.item_gen(self.queues[topic], topic=topic, source=self.source)
[docs] async def close(self): self._stream.cancel() await self.client.close()
[docs]class SearchEngineScraper(Scraper): scrape_every = 15 * 60 bad_domains = {'.com/', '.org/', '.edu/', '.gov/', '.net/', '.biz/'} false_urls = {'google.', 'blogger.', 'youtube.', 'googlenewsblog.', 'googleusercontent.'}
[docs] @abstractmethod def query_string(self, query): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover
[docs] @abstractmethod def extract_urls(self, text): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover
[docs] @staticmethod def clean_urls(urls): """ Generator for removing useless or uninteresting urls from an iterable of urls """ for u in urls: root_url = any(map(u.endswith, SearchEngineScraper.bad_domains)) not_relevant = any(j in u for j in SearchEngineScraper.false_urls) if u.startswith('http') and not (root_url or not_relevant): yield u else: log.debug('Removing unclean url: %s', u)
[docs] async def scrape(self, query, topic='', **kwargs): url = self.query_string(query) _html = await self.client.fetch('GET', url, **kwargs) links, created_times = self.extract_urls(_html) links = list(links) futures = [] for link in self.clean_urls(links): future = asyncio.ensure_future( self.client.fetch('GET', link, **kwargs)) cb = partial(self._put_future, topic=topic, created_at=created_times[links.index(link)]) future.add_done_callback(cb) futures.append(future) await asyncio.gather(*futures)
def _put_future(self, future, topic='', created_at=None): if not future.cancelled() and not future.exception(): res = future.result() if res is not None: self.queues[topic].put_nowait((res, created_at))